
Easy Summer Decorating Ideas

Easy Summer Decorating Ideas

Summer activities can take you inside and out this season, and that means you’ll have plenty of spaces to decorate. The key to a summer makeover is light fabrics, bright...

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How To Choose The Right Coffee Table

How To Choose The Right Coffee Table
There are a few things you have to consider when choosing the right coffee table for your space. You’ll need to first think about the style of coffee table you are looking for, then the correct size and shape and lastly, how it will function in your space. If your coffee table is too small or too big, the room will feel out of whack because your furniture proportions will be off so selecting furniture that is the proper size and scale for your space is of the utmost importance.
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Gifts For The Hipster-Hearted

Gifts For The Hipster-Hearted

Do you have a friend or family member who is always rocking the latest hipster trends? If so, this blog post is for you! We've put our top gift ideas that are...

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The Best Planters & Vases For Fall

the best planters for Autumn
One of my favorite things to add during the colder months is some new indoor planters! I love using them throughout the year, but today I'm going to share with you five different types of pots that are perfect for Fall.
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