by Paul Morin
$ 2,450
Sepia-toned oil on aluminum-silver leaf
24” x 30”H
Stretched canvas, original work
From Cabinet of Curiosities
This is a series of paintings based on found vintage photo booth images. The photo booth allowed people to be whoever and whatever they wanted to be - their authentic selves or a fantasy of what they could be. Kids could be "naughty," lovers could celebrate unsanctioned love and grownups could be as childish as they wanted. Each image tells a specific but completely anonymous story!
About the Artist

Award winning artist, Paul Morin's portraits are in public and private collections around the world. His portrait of Barack Obama titled "œProfile in Hope,"� was presented to the president in the Oval Office in 2010. Paul combines a traditional technique with a modern sensibility "“ images that confront the viewer and with a sense of scale that is very individual.
With empathy and humor, Paul's work celebrates the human spirit and captures the unique look and expression of each sitter - honoring the individual quirkiness that makes each person the human they are! Paul delves into the personality of his subjects much like a candid snapshot reveals the moment-specific projection of a person's inner thoughts. His commissioned portraits bring an immediacy to his subjects revealing an inner life that truly makes the sitter "œcome alive!"�