$ 139
The Hooper is a full wire frame design with just enough soft rubber ear kush to make the lightweight slide-on feel like sand through an hourglass, and we all know what that feels like let's be honest. Possibly named after a popular 70's comedy movie, and possibly not, depending on who's asking. Let's go with "not" because I'm already sweating the response from that last sentence. Hooper comes with a very light yellow tinted lens because it's always Summer on the inside when jumping cars over river gorges, but to be clear that has nothing to do with the naming of this product.
- CR39 lens
- Superior hard coat for anti scratch durability
- Anti-reflective coatings to mitigate reflections and glare.
- Super hydro-phobic and oleo-phobic coatings for anti smudge
- Handcrafted acetate designs utilizing state of the art CNC and finishing for fit, function, and durability.
- Is infused into the lens. Not coated on.
- Blocks 45% of harmful blue light at, and surrounding, the most harmful wavelength (455 nm). This is more than other brands. Ask and you'll see.
- Is in a nearly clear lens (which is hard to do).
From our Product Lead Jamie, "These are the best f'ing blue light blocking lenses on the market." We love Jamie.
frequency lenses are exclusively available from CADDIS.